
One Step Forward 20 Steps Back

So you remember all that work we did? The beautiful trenches for the foundation? How "far along" we were? Well we are right back to where we started.

The Mister took me to see a movie yesterday. Smart move since it starred Gael Garcia Bernal. I'm on cloud nine enjoying being back until he takes me to the house where an 8 ton dumpster full of dirt is parked in our driveway. Huh that's weird!

I asked just how much of the 8 tons we had to shovel. He never gives me an answer. So I shoveled, trying my best to hold it together and not cry from pent up anger. We didn't finish and it felt like we only put a tiny dent in the hours that we worked.

Today my back hurts, my arms burn, and my hands are blisterd, the skin on them thin. We shovel again. This time until the 8 ton dumpster is empty and the trenches filled. I couldn't feel my hands until I poured water on them which felt like acid rain. Not even the joy from watching a beautiful movie yesterday makes up for it.

Never have I wanted to yell "I told you so" in the loudest voice I can muster.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. whoops, i was checking an old email on that account up there.

    but i said that i only wish i was down there helping you guys out, i really can't wait to spend time with ya'll.

    save me some work

  3. We look forward to getting some time with you. Thanks for keeping up with us. We appreciate it.


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