

It's fig season and we have two of those bad boys. They are so good it is like natures own jam. Everyday i pick them and bring them home. Have you had grilled figs with bacon and goat cheese? My wife's grandmother told us how we can dry them, but we might have to wait. We had an ant problem last week at the apartment and we are worried they'll return


The kitchen is starting to look like a kitchen. We can't wait to cook in it. Our fridge in our apartment keeps everythigng at warm 65 degrees. I bought 2 steaks to grill and by the next day they had turned. I can't wait to get out of this place and into our new home. Goodbye helicopters, Goodbye freeway, Goodby black soot. We were thinking about replacing the windows to the right, because they don't open and need weights, but i think we might keep them as is. I like the way they look.


There is land on the horizon. The bathroom has real form and it's coming together very well. The hardy back is down, ready for the tile. The electrical, gas and plumbing all got signed off on. The AC is hooked up and so is all the duct work. Our finish date was for the 15th, but we knew it was a bit optimistic. This week there were crews of at least 7 guys going at it. They really got a lot accomplished.