
This Pots A Boiled

The Mister filled me in on yesterday's events. I was livid, angry, and felt let down. I was stressed about my job and then this curveball hit me like a ton of bricks.

I don't do well with surprises especially when they involve an investment in which I have dumped every penny to my name. An investment in which every cent has been accounted for and has a place in our budget. Shortcuts don't exist.

Today The Mister spoke to the city. I'm glad I wasn't there because not only would I have been devastated and completely destroyed but the lid to this boiling pot would have finally blown. He says there might be a way to work it out. I trust him and I hope he is right. Once again its The Mister and me against the world. I miss Texas. I miss my family and I miss my friends. Over and out!
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Today I learned a very painful lesson. Acting without a proper permitted plan only leads to double the work and money. Our ambition must be scaled back for now. The city code states that if any work is done to increase the square footage of the house, we become subjected to everything short of public flogging. Jerry introduced me to a standup engineer architect Nick, who specializes in the draconian laws of our town. keep you posted and please keep your fingers crossed.