
Accent Walls

We chose to do two accents walls. One is over the fireplace where our tv is going to go in and the other accent wall is the back of the kitchen. The color is a blue gray. The Mister put up pics earlier but the color read too dark. Here are some other pics that still don't do the color justice but may at least give you an idea. Will take better pictures when our windows aren't covered so you can see the true color because right now all the windows are covered up. Will also repost pictures once the floor covering is off and the place is cleaned up.

Bathroom Sinks

Our bathroom is coming together. Here are the sinks set up and running. They look beautiful and will look even better when the medicine cabinets go in.


It's fire season in Cali and it wouldn't be normal in my LA experience NOT to have a fire in my backyard. Here is a pic of the smoke that we see from our street.

Painted all day

We have the guy from the dishnetwork coming out Sunday, so we had to
paint today. And we still need to move and pack more stuff. We love
the blue grey color. We call it Adonis blue because of my dads
neopolitan mastiff, they share the same color.

Fire. More to come